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The BNP Paribas Multi Asset Diversified 10 AUD Hedged Index (“BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index”) is a rules-based index sponsored by BNP Paribas comprised of eight components – three equity futures indices, three bond futures indices and two commodity indices across a number of geographic regions (the “Hypothetical Portfolio”).

The index dynamically rebalances the weights of its components, using a rules-based methodology based on momentum investing principles, which seeks to identify weights for the components that would have resulted in the hypothetical portfolio with the highest return subject to a certain level of volatility. In addition, the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index includes a risk control mechanism which seeks maintain its short-term volatility at the 10% level, and to reduce volatility during unstable and unpredictable market periods.

For a list of selected risk and considerations with the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index, please click here.

The BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index is the AUD-hedged version of the original BNP Paribas Multi Asset Diversified Index, denominated in USD. For more information on the USD version click here.


The eight components are liquid market benchmarks that cover diverse geographic zones and a range of generally non-correlated assets including equities, commodities and government bond futures.

On a daily basis, the Index dynamically rebalances the weights of its components according to a proprietary rules-based methodology which seeks to identify weights for the components that would have resulted in the Hypothetical Portfolio with the highest past returns1, subject to a certain level of volatility and weighting constraints2.

1Computed based on a trend indicator that compares current component level to past component level over a 1 year period
2The components’ maximum weights are as follows: each Equity Futures Index 50%, each Bond Futures Index 100%, and each Commodity Index 50%. Leverage is allowed and the cost of borrowing is zero. The sum of all weights is capped at 400% and floored at 0%. Minimum weight is 0% for each component. On a daily basis the absolute change in weight for each component cannot be greater than 10%.

Daily, the Hypothetical Portfolio targets an annualised realised volatility of 10%. If the realised volatility exceeds the 10% target rate on any day, the Index will reduce the weight of the portfolio and rebalance it with a non-remunerable hypothetical cash position. Based on the realised volatility, the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index may be partially or wholly uninvested, and will not earn interest or any other return with respect to that cash position.

For Illustrative Purpose Only

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This marketing communication is intended for wholesale clients (in Australia) only and is not intended for retail clients (as both terms are de¬fined by the Corporations Act 2001, sections 761G and 761GA). This website has been prepared for discussion purposes only and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to engage in any trading strategy or the purchase or sale of any financial instrument.

The BNP Paribas Multi Asset Diversified 10 AUD Hedged Index (the “BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index”) is the exclusive property of BNP Paribas or one of its affiliates (BNP Paribas and its affiliates are hereinafter called “BNPP”) and is determined, composed and calculated by BNPP. “BNP”, “BNPP”, “BNP Paribas”, “BNP Paribas Multi Asset Diversified 10 AUD Hedged”, and “BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index” (collectively, the “BNPP Marks”) are trademarks or service marks of BNPP.

In calculating the performance of the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index, BNPP deducts an annual fee of 1% per annum, calculated on a daily basis which reduces the performance of the index in the same way as a cost. In addition, the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index methodology embeds certain costs which cover among other things, rebalancing and replication costs. Such costs (if any) may vary over time with market conditions.

BNPP may license the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index to one or more companies (each, a “Company”) for use in a product offered or issued by the Company. The products are not, in whole or in part, sponsored, structured, priced, endorsed, offered, sold, issued or promoted by BNPP or any of its affiliates, or any third party licensor of information to BNPP. BNPP reserves the right to amend or adjust the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index methodology from time to time and accepts no liability for any such amendment or adjustment. BNPP is not under any obligation to continue the calculation, publication or dissemination of the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index and accepts no liability for any suspension or interruption in the calculation thereof. Neither BNPP nor any of its affiliates accepts any liability in connection with the publication or use of the level of the BNPP MAD 10 AUD Index at any given time.

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