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Index Performance

Academic studies have found evidence for the existence of a positive link between innovation of a company and its financial performance, emphasizing the relevance of innovation in today’s environment in order to develop and differentiate over competitors1.

Innovation is rapidly accelerating, powered by major breakthroughs in the 20th century, such as computing and the invention of the internet. A new age of innovation could revolutionize and alter business functions at an even higher speed.

The US Innovative Leaders 5 Index aims to provide exposure to the most innovative companies, which may exhibit higher future revenues as a result of such innovation.

1Academic studies include, among others, Jansen, van den Bosch & Volberda (2006), Hietanen & Tikkanen (2010) and Bigliardi (2013).

Index Performance

Performance Analysis as of .

The charts and tables below show an analysis of the back-tested levels and composition of the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index as of December 9th 2021. The US Innovative Leaders 5 Index was launched on January 28th 2020. The prior performance shown is simulated.


Source: BNP Paribas from May 25th 2004 to .

Hypothetical Past Performance


Global Last 1 Year Last 3 Years Last 5 Years Last 10 Years
Source: Bloomberg, BNP Paribas from May 25th 2004 to . All numbers and figures are annualized.

Performance Analysis


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Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. The US Innovative Leaders 5 Index is based on Hypothetical Past Performance Data (“PPD”) prior to January 28th, 2020. Because the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index did not exist prior to this date, all retrospective levels provided in the graph and table above are simulated and must be considered illustrative only. The presentation of hypothetical data reflects the deduction of fees and charges. These simulations are the result of estimates made by BNP Paribas at a given moment on the basis of the parameters selected by BNP Paribas, certain assumptions that may or may not hold in future periods, of market conditions at this given moment and of historical data, which should not be used as guidance, in any way, of the future results of the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index.

Risk Warnings For Hypothetical Performance Data:

  • Future performance of the Index may be worse than hypothetical historical results. All levels are simulated and must be considered hypothetical and illustrative only. The actual performance of the Index may bear little relation to the hypothetical historical results.
  • BNP Paribas makes no recommendation as to the suitability of the Index for investment. You should reach a decision after careful consideration with your advisors.
  • Future performance of the Index may be worse than past and hypothetical historical results.
  • The methodology underlying the Index may not be successful — No assurance can be given that the Index methodology will achieve its goals.
  • Numerous factors (changes in: interest rates, investor expectations, economic results, regulation, liquidity, etc.) may affect the price of the components of the Index.
  • Hypothetical past performance is based on criteria applied retroactively with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge of factors that may have positively affected its performance, and cannot account for all financial risk that may affect the actual performance.
  • The Index has limited historical information and publicly available information on the Index is limited.
  • The presentation of hypothetical historical performance reflects the deduction of fees and charges applicable to the Index.


Important Information


The US Innovative Leaders 5 Index is the exclusive property of BNP Paribas or one of its affiliates (BNP Paribas and its affiliates are hereinafter called “BNPP”) and is determined, composed and calculated by BNPP. “BNP”, “BNPP”, “BNP Paribas” and “US Innovative Leaders 5 Index” (collectively, the “BNPP Marks”) are trademarks or service marks of BNPP.

In calculating the performance of the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index, BNPP deducts an annual fee of 0.50% per annum, calculated on a daily basis which reduces the performance of the Index in the same way as a cost. In addition, the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index methodology embeds certain costs which cover among other things, rebalancing and replication costs. Such costs (if any) may vary over time with market conditions.

BNPP may license the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index to one or more companies (each, a “Company”) for use in a product offered or issued by the Company. The products are not, in whole or in part, sponsored, structured, priced, endorsed, offered, sold, issued or promoted by BNPP or any of its affiliates, or any third party licensor of information to BNPP. BNPP reserves the right to amend or adjust the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index methodology from time to time and accepts no liability for any such amendment or adjustment. BNPP is not under any obligation to continue the calculation, publication or dissemination of the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index and accepts no liability for any suspension or interruption in the calculation thereof. Neither BNPP nor any of its affiliates accepts any liability in connection with the publication or use of the level of the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index at any given time.

BNPP may enter into derivative transactions or issue financial instruments (the “Index Products”) linked to the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index. The US Innovative Leaders 5 Index Products are not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the sponsor of any component (or part thereof) which may comprise the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index that is not affiliated with BNPP. Accordingly, no representation, warranty or undertaking (express or implied) is made and no responsibility is accepted by BNPP as to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information concerning any Index.

BNPP may act in a number of different capacities in relation to the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index and/or products linked to the US Innovative Leaders 5 Index, which may include, but not be limited to, acting as hedging counterparty, Index sponsor and/or Index calculation agent.

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